Friday, 30 October 2015


a Shram Suvidha portal, Labour Inspection scheme and Portability through Universal Account Number (UAN) for Employees Provident Fund (EPF)

A dedicated Shram Suvidha Portal: That would allot Labour Identification Number (LIN) to nearly 6 lakhs units and allow them to file online compliance for 16 out of 44 labour laws

·An all-new Random Inspection Scheme: Utilizing technology to eliminate human discretion in selection of units for Inspection, and uploading of Inspection Reports within 72 hours of inspection mandatory

· Universal Account Number: Enables 4.17 crore employees to have their Provident Fund account portable, hassle-free and universally accessible

·Apprentice Protsahan Yojana: Will support manufacturing units mainly and other establishments by reimbursing 50% of the stipend paid to apprentices during first two years of their training

· Revamped Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana: Introducing a Smart Card for the workers in the unorganized sector seeded with details of two more social security schemes

Bills Passed in 2015

Recent Acts and Amendments

The Delhi High Court (Amendment) Act, 2015 (87.69 KB )
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2015 (104.40 KB )
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 2015 (96.75 KB )
The Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Amendments Act, 2015 (103.38 KB )
The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2015 (96.00 KB )
The Constitution (100th Amendment) Act, 2015 (130.05 KB )
The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 (273.28 KB )
The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015 (107.76 KB )
The Repealing and Amending (Second) Act, 2015 (103.26 KB )
The Payment and Settlement Systems (Amendment) Act, 2015 (104.94 KB )
The Repealing and Amending Act, 2015 (97.18 KB )
The Warehousing Corporations (Amendment) Act, 2015 (94.51 KB )
The Regional Rural Banks (Amendment) Act, 2015 (99.59 KB )
The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation (Amendment) Act, 2015 (94.41 KB )
The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 (135.25 KB )
The Coal Mines (Special Provision) Act, 2015 (189.69 KB )
The Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 (237.22 KB )

Thursday, 29 October 2015


Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana was initiated to bring the member of parliament of all the political parties under the same umbrella while taking the responsibility of developing physical and institutional infrastructure in villages and turn them into model villages.Under this scheme, each member of parliament needs to choose one village each from the constituency that they represent, fix parameters and make it a model village by 2016. Thereafter, they can take on two or three more villages and do the same by the time the next general elections come along in 2019, and thereafter, set themselves ten-year-long village or rural improvement projects.Villages will be offered smart schools, universal access to basic health facilities and Pucca housing to homeless villagers.

Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) is a village development project launched by Government of India in October 2014, under which each Member of Parliament will take the responsibility of developing physical and institutional infrastructure in three villages by 2019. The goal is to develop three Adarsh Grams or model villages by March 2019, of which one would be achieved by 2016. Thereafter, five such Adarsh Grams (one per year) will be selected and developed by 2024. (Sansad refers to Parliament, Adarsh refers to model, Gram refers to village and Yojna means Scheme)
The Project was launched on the occasion of birth anniversary of Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan and is inspired by the principles and values of Mahatma Gandhi. It aims to provide rural India with quality access to basic amenities and opportunities.
The Scheme has a holistic approach towards development. It envisages integrated development of the selected village across multiple areas such as agriculture, health, education, sanitation, environment, livelihoods etc. Far beyond mere infrastructure development, SAGY aims at instilling and nurturing values of national pride, patriotism, community spirit, self-confidence people’s participation, dignity of women, etc. in the people.
The scheme is implemented through Members of Parliament (MPs) with District Collector being the nodal officer. The MP would be free to identify a suitable gram panchayat for being developed as Adarsh Gram, other than his/her own village or that of his/her spouse. Gram Panchayat, which has a population of 3000-5000 in plain areas and 1000-3000 in hilly, tribal and difficult areas, would be the basic unit for development.
A village development plan would be prepared for every identified gram panchayat with special focus on enabling every poor household to come out of poverty. The constituency fund, MPLADS, would be available to fill critical financing gaps. The outcomes include 100% immunization, 100% institutional delivery, reduced infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, reduction in malnutrition among children etc.
If each MP adopts three villages, the scheme will be able to develop 2,379 gram panchayats over the next five years. (The Lok Sabha has 543 MPs and the Rajya Sabha 250, of which 12 are nominated. There are 2,65,000 gram panchayats in India. )

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Centres for Knowledge Acquisition and Upgradation of Skilled Human Abilities and Livelihood ( DDU-KAUSHAL)

The main objectives of these centers are to:
a) create skilled manpower for industry requirements at various levels. The scheme
provides for vertical mobility from short term certificate courses to full-fledged post
graduate degree programme, and further research in specialized areas. The courses
would be planned/ designed to have provision of multiple entry and exit at various
levels culminating up-to a research degree level. These shall also include courses
which are offered under the Community College Scheme and B.Voc. degree
programme of UGC.
b) Formulate courses at postgraduate level keeping in mind the need of i) Industry in
specialized areas; ii) Instructional design, curriculum design and contents in the
areas of Skills Development; iii) Pedagogy, assessment for skills development
education and training; iv) trained faculty in the areas of skill development; and v)
Entrepreneurship; etc.
c) work for coordination between the higher education system and industry to become
a Centre of Excellence for skill development in specialized areas.
d) network with other such centers and universities and colleges imparting vocational
education under the scheme of Community Colleges and B.Voc degree programme
in their region and coordinate with them for targeted development of skill oriented
e) undertake R&D in the areas related to skill education & development,
entrepreneurship, employability, labour market trends etc. at the post-graduate and
research level.
f) act as finishing school by providing supplementary modular training programmes so
that a learner, irrespective of his/her training background, is made job ready with
necessary work skills (soft, communication, ICT skills etc) and fill the gaps in the
domain skills measured against QPs/NOSs. 
Page 3 of 8
g) provide for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) framework for job roles at NSQF
Level 4 onwards by conducting assessment and certification with respective Sector
Skill Councils (SSCs) / Directorate General of Employmentand Training (DGET).
h) Maintain ‘Labour Market Information’ for respective regions in coordination with
other government agencies and industry associations.
i) develop and aggregate curriculum, content and learning materials for skills
development in different sectors.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana or PMGSY is a nationwide plan in India to provide good all-weather road connectivity to unconnected villages
The goal was to provide roads to all villages

with a population of 1000 persons and above by 2003

with a population of 500 persons and above by 2007

in hill states, tribal and desert area villages with a population of 500 persons and above by 2003

in hill states, tribal and desert area villages with a population of 250 persons and above by 2007

In order to implement this, an Online Management & Monitoring System or OMMS GIS system was developed to identify targets and monitor progress.[7] It is developed by e-governance department of C-DAC pune and is one of the biggest databases in India. The system manages and monitors all the phases of road development right from its proposal mode to road completion. The OMMS also has separate module to track the expenses made on each road. Based on the data entered by state and district officers, OMMS generates detailed reports which are viewable in citizens section ( OMMS incorporates advanced features like E-payment, Password protected PDF files, Interactive Reports etc.

It is under the authority of the Ministry of Rural Development and was begun on 25 December 2000. It is fully funded by the central government

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)

It is a centrally sponsored scheme of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, for the development of secondary education in public schools throughout India. It was launched in March 2009. The implementation of the scheme has started from 2009-2010 to provide conditions for an efficient growth, development and equity for all. The scheme includes a multidimensional research, technical consulting, various implementations and funding support.The principal objectives are to enhance quality of secondary education and increase the total enrollment rate from 52% (as of 2005–2006) to 75% in five years, i.e. from 2009–2014.It aims to provide universal education for all children between 15–16 years of age.[3] The funding from the central ministry is provided through state governments, which establish separate implementing agencies
The objectives of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan can be summarised as follows:[3]

To improve quality of education imparted at secondary level through making all secondary schools conform to prescribed norms.

To remove gender, socio-economic and disability barriers.

Universal access to secondary level education by 2017, i.e., by the end of the XII Five Year Plan.

Universal retention by 2020.

RMSA is planned to promote secondary education by establishing in every target school the following infrastructure:

Additional class rooms
Art and crafts room
Toilet blocks
Drinking water provisions
Residential hostels for teachers in remote areas
In addition it aims to provide additional teachers to reduce student-teacher to 30:1, focus on science, mathematics and English education, in-service training of teachers, science laboratories, ICT-enabled education, curriculum reforms, and teaching-learning reforms

Rashtriya Uchchattar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)

It is a holistic scheme of development for higher education in India initiated in 2013 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The centrally sponsored scheme aims at providing strategic funding to higher educational institutions throughout the country. Funding is provided by the central ministry through the state governments and union territories (UT), which in coordination with the central Project Appraisal Board will monitor the academic, administrative and financial advancements taken under the scheme. A total of 316 state public universities and 13,024 colleges will be covered under it.
RUSA aims to provide equal development to all higher institutions and rectify weaknesses in the higher education system. Its target achievement is to raise the gross enrolment ratio to 32% by the end of XII Plan in 2017. The major objectives are to:

*improve the overall quality of existing state institutions by ensuring that all institutions conform to prescribed norms and standards and adopt accreditation as a mandatory quality assurance framework.
*usher transformative reforms in the state higher education system by creating a facilitating institutional structure for planning and monitoring at the state level, promoting autonomy in state universities and improving governance in institutions.
*ensure academic and examination reforms in the higher educational institutions.
*enable conversion of some of the universities into research universities at par with the best in the world.
*create opportunities for states to undertake reforms in the affiliation system in order to ensure that the reforms and resource requirements of affiliated colleges are adequately met.
*ensure adequate availability of quality faculty in all higher educational institutions and ensure capacity building at all levels of employment.
*create an enabling atmosphere in the higher educational institutions to devote themselves to research and innovations.
*expand the institutional base by creating additional capacity in existing institutions and establishing new institutions, in order to achieve enrolment targets.
*correct regional imbalances in access to higher education by facilitating access to high quality institutions in urban and semi-urban areas, creating opportunities for students from rural areas to get access to better quality institutions and setting up institutions in un-served and underserved areas.
*improve equity in higher education by providing adequate opportunities of higher education to SC/STs and socially and educationally backward classes; promote inclusion of women, minorities, and differently abled persons.


1. Vision: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is inspired by the vision of transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India.

2. Mission: The Mission of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is to enable higher educational institutions to work with the people of rural India in identifying development challenges and evolving appropriate solutions for accelerating sustainable growth. It also aims to create a virtuous cycle between society and an inclusive academic system by providing knowledge and practices for emerging professions and to upgrade the capabilities of both the public and the private sectors in responding to the development needs of rural India. 

3. Rationale:

India in the twenty first century is an interesting mosaic of new and old challenges and opportunities. Huge development disconnects such as inequity in health, education, incomes, co-exist with a society getting connected through communication technologies prompting an increasingly vocal democracy to demand greater public services and assets, opportunities for growth and access to resources.

70 % of the population in India lives in rural areas, engaged in agrarian economy with agriculture and allied sectors employing 51% of the total workforce but accounting for only 17% of the GDP. Without rural development, India cannot optimally realise its growth potential and claim its place in the world.

In today’s Knowledge Economy, it is not enough to mobilise financial resources. Professional and technical know-how, evolved through innovative experimentation and adapted to the social context is equally important. The implication is that rural development needs to be informed by a formal professional knowledge framework encompassing engineering, planning, management and applied social sciences as a holistic design approach. At the same time such professional inputs need to be sensitive to the local context and community. The critical design parameters for rural development can be seen as a triadic unity of people’s participation, inter-disciplinary professionalism and convergence of resources. Moreover, the outcomes need to be measured not just in terms of quantitative gains, but by social equity, technical soundness, economic efficiency, and sustainability.

4. Current Policy Context

Honourable Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech etched the contours of his development vision for the country highlighting the need to channelise the talent of the youth and ensuring a better developed rural India. Honourable PM also urged all MPs to develop a model village in their constituencies by 2016. One village for a constituency should be developed as a model. Two more can be developed by 2019. If each MP decides to develop three villages over five years, many villages in the country would see progress and serve as examples. Accordingly, the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna was launched on 11 October 2014. Honourable PM also in the conference with Directors and Chairpersons of IITs on August 22nd, 2014, exhorted them to adopt a village and develop appropriate technologies. Each student should have such a project, individually or collectively to be pursued over 4 years of the educational course so as to contribute to society a substantial product/service, upon his/her graduation.

5. Goals: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) aims at transformational change with the following Goals:

To build an understanding of the development agenda within institutes of Higher Education and an institutional capacity and training relevant to national needs, specially those of rural India.
To re-emphasize the need for field work, stake-holder interactions and design for societal objectives as the basis of higher education. To stress on rigorous reporting and useful outputs as central to developing new professions.
Provide rural India and regional agencies with access to the professional resources of the institutes of higher education, specially those that have acquired academic excellence in the field of science, engineering and technology, and management. 

To improve development outcomes as a consequence of this research. To develop new professions and new processes to sustain and absorb the outcomes of research.

To foster a new dialogue within the larger community on science, society and the environment and to develop a sense of dignity and collective destiny.

6. Objective: The Objectives of the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan are broadly two-fold.

Build institutional capacity in institutes of Higher Education in research and training relevant to national needs, specially those of rural India, which includes inter alia the following objectives:
Encourage Indian higher education Institutions to engage with problems of rural India and to provide solutions for them.
Develop an academic framework for working on societal problems, their solution, delivery, reporting and assessment.
Re-visit where necessary the curriculum in technical education in educational and research institutions to incorporate inclusive technologies for rural India.
Promote inter-disciplinary approach in higher education guided by live contexts.
Develop over time, research areas which have developmental significance, such as drinking water, education, health, agricultural practices, electrification, agricultural and rural industries cooking energy, watershed analysis.
Develop collaborations of academic institutions with key government flagship programs and develop formal course-ware for supporting the knowledge needs for the same.
Promote networking and coordination among various science and technology based voluntary organizations and developmental agencies.
Foster collaborations between governance, knowledge institutions and local communities.
Provide rural India with professional resource support from institutes of higher education, specially those that have acquired academic excellence in the field of science, engineering and technology, and management.
To identify the basic developmental and productive needs of a village and find ways and means to meet these needs.
Strengthen the technical design of interventions in key sectoral areas of natural resource management such as water and soil, economic activities such as agriculture and related production, or related to crafts and artisans, infrastructure such as housing, roads, energy.
Identify efficient, cost effective and sustainable development practices in the field.
Help grassroots organizations in innovating new products, and support rural entrepreneurs to develop neighborhood solutions.
Empower communities to dialogue with knowledge institutions in order to evolve technically sound and locally feasible development strategies that promote self-reliance.
Facilitate convergence of development schemes, resources, various planning and implementation initiatives, and coordination of agencies for successful interventions and measurable outcomes.

e-Kranti- National e-Governance Plan 2.0

the Union Cabinet gave its approval for the Approach and Key Components of e-Kranti : National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) 2.0. This is a follow up to the key decisions taken in the first meeting of the Apex Committee on the Digital India programme held in November 2014. This programme has been envisaged by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY). 

The objectives of 'e-Kranti' are as follows: 

i. To redefine NeGP with transformational and outcome oriented e-Governance initiatives. 

ii. To enhance the portfolio of citizen centric services

iii. To ensure optimum usage of core Information & Communication Technology (ICT). 

iv. To promote rapid replication and integration of eGov applications. 

v. To leverage emerging technologies. 

vi. To make use of more agile implementation models. 

The key principles of e-Kranti are as follows: 

i. Transformation and not Translation

ii. Integrated Services and not Individual Services. 

iii. Government Process Reengineering (GPR) to be mandatory in every MMP. 

iv. ICT Infrastructure on Demand. 

v. Cloud by Default. 

vi. Mobile First. 

vii. Fast Tracking Approvals. 

viii. Mandating Standards and Protocols. 

ix. Language Localization

x. National GIS (Geo-Spatial Information System). 

xi. Security and Electronic Data Preservation. 

e-Kranti is an important pillar of the Digital India programme. The Vision of e-Kranti is "Transforming e-Governance for Transforming Governance". The Mission of e-Kranti is to ensure a Government wide transformation by delivering all Government services electronically to citizens through integrated and interoperable systems via multiple modes, while ensuring efficiency, transparency and reliability of such services at affordable costs. 

The approach and methodology of e-Kranti are fully aligned with the Digital India programme. The programme management structure approved for Digital India programme would be used for monitoring the implementation of e-Kranti and also for providing a forum to ascertain views of all stakeholders, overseeing implementation, resolving inter-Ministerial issues and ensuring speedy sanction of projects. Key components of the management structure would consist of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) for according approval to projects according to the financial provisions, a Monitoring Committee on Digital India headed by the Prime Minister, Digital India Advisory Group chaired by the Minister of Communications and IT, an Apex Committee chaired by the Cabinet Secretary and the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) / Committee on Non Plan Expenditure (CNE). The Apex Committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary would undertake addition / deletion of Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) which are considered to be appropriate and resolve inter-Ministerial issues. 

Central Ministries/ Departments and State Governments concerned would have the overall responsibility for implementation of the MMPs. Considering the need for overall aggregation and integration at the national level, it is felt appropriate to implement e-Kranti as a programme, with well defined roles and responsibilities of each agency involved. The thrust areas of the e-Kranti - electronic delivery of services under the Digital India programme are:- 

Technology for Education (e-Education), Health (e-Healthcare), Farmers, Financial Inclusion, Planning, Justice, Security, Planning and Cyber Security. 
e-Governance - Reforming Government through Technology, a pivotal pillar of the Digital India programme, would also be implemented under e-Kranti by undertaking and strengthening Government Process Re-engineering, electronic databases, complete workflow automation and IT based Public Grievance Redressal in all Government Departments. 

Digital India Mission

Mission is to transform India into a digital empowered society and knowledge economy. By the Dept of Electronics and IT; in phases until 2018. Budgetary provisions to Depts and Ministeries.
Vision areas of Digital India are:
1. Government services available to citizens electronically. Will usher in public accountability. 
2. High speed internet as a core utility to be made available to every Gram Panchayat. 
3. Digital identity- unique, authenticable.
4. A safe and secure cyberspace. 
5. Mobile phone and Bank Account which will enable participation in digital and financial space at individual level.
6. Governance and Services on demand
a. Single window access- seamless integration across ministeries and departments. Will improve Ease of doing business and responsivity and approachability of the government.
b. Government services accessible via the mobile too. 
c. A Public Cloud- where a shareable private space; citizen entitlements also put here.
d. Financial transactions above a threshold- only electronic. Hence reduction in corruption, transparency.
e. use of GIS. For better decision making and effective use of resources. 
7. Digital Empowered Citizenry: All government services and documents/certificates available on the cloud. Use of the vernacular. Participatory governance can be effected.
A. IT (Indian Talent) + IT (information technology) = IT (India Tomorrow)
B. Technology can now become central aspect of ushering change. 
C. Transformative mission as it weaves together many ideas, encompasses within its ambit many programmes, schemes, services. 
D. Many existing schemes will be restructured and re-focused to be implemented in a synchronised manner
Digital India provides thrust to the NINE pillars of growth areas:
1. Braodband Highways: Rural, urban and National Information Infra
NOFN to connect all the villages. 
NII will integrate the network and cloud infrastructure in the country to provide high speed connectivity and cloud platform to various government departments up to the panchayat level. 
Integration of State Wide Area Network (SWAN), National Knowledge Network (NKN), National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN), Government User Network (GUN) and the MeghRaj Cloud.
2. Information for all: aim is to reach the maximum number to spread awareness of services, rights and duties.
engagement through social media
using online messaging and emails
3. Electronic manufacturing
Targetting netzero imports by 2020. 
Focus Areas are: FABS, Fab-less design, Set top boxes, VSATs, Mobiles, Consumer & Medical Electronics, Smart Energy meters, Smart cards, micro-ATMs
Impetus to R&D, Skill development; Effecting economies of scale by taxation and incentives. Eliminating the cost disadvantage.

4. Universal access to mobile connectivity
5. E-governance: reformation of governance through technology
Form simplification, online tracking, Integration of services and platforms e.g. Aadhaar platform of Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI), payment gateway, Mobile Seva platform, sharing of data through open Application Programming Interfaces (API) and middleware such as National and State Service Delivery Gateways (NSDG/SSDG) should be mandated to facilitate integrated and interoperable service delivery to citizens and businesses. 
6. E-Kranti: Electronic delivery of services.
Transforming e-Governance for Transforming Governance.
Considering the critical need of e-Governance, mobile Governance and Good Governance in the country, the approach and key components of e-Kranti have been envisioned. All e-governance programs under e-kranti. 
e-healthcare, e-prosecution, e-education etc.
7. Public Internet access programme.
- one Common Service Centre in each Gram Panchayat. CSCs would be made viable and multi-functional end-points for delivery of government and business services.
- Post offices as multi service centres.
8. IT for jobs. 
Rural, small towns, North East to have special focus. Skilling. Promotion of BPOs esp NE because of the hold on English language
9. Early Harvest programme. To be implemented within short timeline. eg Public Wi-Fi hotspots, Biometric attendance, Secure email within the government etc
- PPP wherever feasible
- Successes will be identified and replicated as soon as possible.
- citizen centricity is at the heart of the initiative. 
- Felixibility to states to identify state-specific projects, in consonance with special needs of the social and economic structure of the area.