It aims to immunize all children against seven vaccine preventable diseases namely diphtheria, whooping cough (Pertussis), tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis B by 2020
Ministry will be technically supported by WHO, UNICEF, Rotary International and other donor partners. Mass media, interpersonal communication, and sturdy mechanisms of monitoring and evaluating the scheme are crucial components of Mission Indradhanush
The ultimate goal of Mission Indradhanush is to ensure full immunization with all available vaccines for childrenup to two years and pregnant women.
The Mission is strategically designed to achieving high quality routine immunization coverage while contributing to strengthening health systems that can be sustained over years to come. In the last few years, India’s full immunization coverage has increased only by 1% per year. The Mission has been launched to accelerate the process of immunization and achieve full immunization coverage for all children in the country.
The Government has identified 201 high focus districts across 28 states in the country that have the highest number of partially immunized and unimmunized children.
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Mission Indradhanush will target these districts through intensive efforts and special immunization drives to improve the routine immunization coverage in the country.
1st phase update
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phase 2 from oct 7 2015
Mission Indradhanush Yojana In Hindi के इस लेख मे आप Mission Indradhanush Yojana Details और Mission Indradhanush Plan के बारे मे जरूरी जानकारी प्राप्त करेंगे। इसके साथ आप इस लेख मे Mission Indradhanush Vaccine Schedule (Indradhanush Vaccination Schedule) के बारे मे जानकारी हांशील कर पायेंगे। इसके अतिरिक्त इस लेख मे आपको Pradhan Mantri Schemes की जानकारी भी उपलब्ध होगी। Mission Indradhanush Yojana